School Performance
These tables show the percentage of eligible children at the end of Key Stage 2 achieving each level in the school in 2024.
KS2 TEACHER ASSESSMENT (eligible children = 91)
Percentage at each stage
Unable to attend school |
Below nationally expected level |
At nationally expected level (EXS) |
Working at greater depth (GDS) |
Total percentage of EXS + GDS |
Writing |
1% |
7% |
68% |
24% |
92% |
Science |
1% |
8% |
91% |
91% |
The percentage achieving at expected level nationally at KS2 in 2024 for writing = 72%
KS2 TEST RESULTS (eligible children = 90)
Percentage at each stage
Absent |
Disapplied |
Below nationally expected level |
At nationally expected level (EXS) |
Achieving at greater depth (GDS) |
Total percentage of EXS + GDS |
0% |
0% |
11% |
47% |
42% |
89% |
Spelling, punctuation & grammar |
0% |
0% |
9% |
45% |
91% |
0% |
0% |
9% |
68% |
23% |
91% |
The percentage achieving at the expected level nationally in 2024 for reading = 74%
The percentage achieving at expected level nationally in 2024 for maths = 73%
The percentage achieving at expected level nationally in 2024 for spelling, punctuation + grammar = 72%
Reading/Writing/Maths combination outcome = 88 % (national in 2024 = 61%)
These tables show the outcomes for children at the end of KS1 (Year 2), at the end of Year 1 and the end of Reception for 2024.
KS1 TEACHER ASSESSMENT (90 Children in the year group)
Percentage at each stage
Below nationally expected level |
At nationally expected level (EXS) |
Working at greater depth (GDS) |
Total percentage of EXS + GDS |
Reading |
19% |
47% |
34% |
81% |
Writing |
28% |
66% |
7% |
72% |
Mathematics |
20% |
51% |
29% |
80% |
Science |
12% |
88% |
88% |
The percentage achieving at the expected level nationally at KS1 in 2023 for reading = 69% (LA=72%)
The percentage achieving at expected level nationally at KS1 in 2023 for writing = 60% (LA=67%)
The percentage achieving at expected level nationally at KS1 in 2023 for maths = 71% (LA=74%)
Year 1 phonics test (90 in the year group):
72 achieved pass mark (32/40) = 80 % (national= 79.2% in 2023 / LA=78.5%)
Early Years / Reception (88 in the year group) :
64 achieved ‘Good Level of Development’ = 74 % (national = 67% in 2023 / LA=70.4%)
Year 4 multiplication test (87 in the year group):
69 achieved pass mark (20/25) = 79 %
(41% achieved 25/25)