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Marlbrook Primary School

Breakfast/Kids Club and Extended School Provision


Breakfast Club

Breakfast club is available to all children from Marlbrook from Reception up to Year 6. We are open every day during term-time from 07.40 until 08.30. Parents do not have to register their children beforehand. Children can simply attend from 7.40 where they will be registered in. There is no charge for Breakfast Club but children are expected to purchase breakfast at minimal cost. Please see the office for current prices.



breakfast menu 2021.pdf


Kids’ Club

Kids’ Club runs every school day from 3.15 – 6.00pm for all children in Marlbrook from Reception to Year 6. It costs £2.75 for partial or full hour. 

Each day we have a variety of sports and activities that the children choose from or they can play with the wide range of toys and games available. They can play inside and outside with the wide range of toys and and resources available to them.
Though they don’t realise it, Kids’ Club offers a great learning opportunity in so many ways. They learn to mix with all ages; to play in groups and team games; to take turns and to share. 

We offer a safe and secure setting to provide a fun-filled, active and stimulating environment for our children. We operate an open-door policy in line with the whole school ethos. We encourage parents/carers to come and see us especially if you have any concerns or worries about your child's time with us.

Please click on the link below for our Kids Club Prospectus.


Kids Club Prospectus