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Marlbrook Primary School

Autumn Diary Dates


Welcome back! It has been a fabulous start to the term. It has been wonderful having the children back and a delight watching them settle so well into school life. Thank you for all your support with this. As usual we have lots of amazing events planned in the next few months and I thought it might be useful to have a list of proposed diary dates for the rest of the term. We have checked and doubled checked the dates and don’t expect any last-minute changes but if unforeseen circumstances do force alterations to our plans your class teachers will let you know as soon as they can. We are very much looking forward to welcoming you into school for performances and learning sessions. I have also included key dates such as trips, discos and wear what you like days to help you plan ahead.

Sue Jenkins, Headteacher

School photo’s – individual / siblings


Reception grandparent days


Year 4 Harvest assembly

Oct 15-2pm Oct 17-5pm



Reception reading meeting with parents

22/10/24; 24/10/24

School disco’s (no Reception classes)

25/10/24 KS1

24/10/24 KS2

Nursery Stay and Play making Harvest soup

14/10/2024; 15/10/24

Class assembly 6C


Nursery  Stay and Play  - Nursery Rhyme bags


Non uniform day Children in Need


Reception Funky finger workshop


Class assembly 5H


Phonics screening parents meeting

21/11/24 2:30pm

Non uniform day Xmas Fayre goods


Y1 Christmas Show

4th/5th/6th Dec

Christmas fayre


Reception Nativity

11th/12th Dec

Stay and Play – Christmas crafts and sing along

12th/13th Dec

Christmas parties

w/b 16/12/2024