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Marlbrook Primary School

Curriculum Statement

Fern Academy Trust Curriculum Statement

Intention, Implementation and Impact


We provide a curriculum that is coherently planned and sequenced to enable children to thrive and be inquisitive, creative learners.  Questioning is a key focus of our curriculum, our aim is to provide children with the skills required to think more deeply about concepts taught and how they can be applied to unfamiliar contexts. 

The curriculum is planned to ensure that spoken language skills are a part of everyday learning.  Our aim is to have a rich, varied and engaging curriculum that will develop independent learning skills and resilience, a key skill for their future. We encourage and promote an appreciation of human creativity and achievement in our curriculum to inspire and motivate children.

Following a curriculum review in Autumn term 2019, each subject team developed an overview and progression of skills document for all year groups.  Each subject team, supported by a subject lead, created a specific ‘intention, implementation and impact’ statement.