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Marlbrook Primary School

TTRS Ed Shed



Dear Parents and Carers,

We hope you had restful Winter Break! We are all very excited to be back in school.

The Year 5 team are as follows;

5VB Miss Barker     5B Mrs Benjamin   5H Mr Habbits

Please find attached our Spring Newsletter which gives details of what we will be getting up to this Term. 

You will also find links on here for TTRS and ED Shed. We use these websites in school to practice our times tables and spellings. Your child has a log in and should be using these regularly. 

We would also like to them to continue to read at home as much as possible, as not only does it help them increase their range of vocabulary but it also helps them with their writing. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.


year 5 spring 2025 newsletter.pdf



donations needed 2 .pdf