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Marlbrook Primary School



 Welcome to the Year 3 Page

For Year 3 Children, Parents and Carers.

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back after the Christmas holidays, we hope you enjoyed the break as much as we did!




Our Year 3 Team


3AC - Miss Andrews and Mrs Cuss              3B - Miss Barker              3T - Mrs Turner

Our teaching assistants are Mrs Howells, Mrs. Newman & Mrs. Pickford.



In English this term, we are really looking forward to using Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as our reading for meaning book. 

As well as using a stimulus for writing; we will be looking at newspapers, explanations and a biography about Roald Dahl.   



This term we will be focusing on multiplication and division and understanding the relationship between the two operations.  We will also be practicing telling the time and it would be great if you could work on this at home as well.  A secure knowledge of times tables is really important so we will be practicing these daily.


During the Spring term, our History topic is the Iron age progressing into The Romans and we are keeping our fingers crossed for a Roman visitor. 

In Science, we are going to be exploring forces and this links to our latest DT project about levers and mechanisms.  

Through our Geography work, we will continue to learn about north, south east and west as well linking this to local geography. 

Across the curriculum, we will be further developing our RE knowledge, with a particular focus on Christianity. We will also be learning basic greetings, numbers and colours in Spanish and also look forward to continuing to enriching our learning through the use of iPads. 

Finally, our focus in PSHE is family relationship and we started the New Year, thinking about our new years resolutions. 



Our indoor PE will be MultiSkills in and our outdoor sessions will be all about developing our Netball skills. 

The PE days for each class are:

3B - Thursday (outdoor) & Friday (indoor)

3AC – Monday (outdoor) & Thursday (indoor)

3T - Thursday (outdoor) & Friday (indoor)

As the weather is much colder in this term, please make sure that your child has their PE kit in school on the days in which they have PE, including appropriate footwear and warmer clothes for outdoor PE,


English, Maths & Spelling homework will be set on a Friday and due in/ tested the following Friday. 


                        Direct links to really useful websites.

Language Angels TT RockstarsActiveLearnPrimary