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Marlbrook Primary School



Year 2



SeesawBug club



Spring 2024 

Welcome to Year 2, we have lots of exciting topics we will be learning about this term. 


Year 2 staff

Miss Walton, Miss Nutt,  Miss Lord and Miss Subak-Sharpe will be teaching in Year 2 this term.

Miss Davies, Miss Francis, Mrs Mitchell and Mrs Stuffins are our teaching assistants.



During this term, children will be looking at texts such as; The Tiger Who Came to Tea, Supertato and The Enchanted Wood. From these texts children will be learning about how to write diary entries, newspaper reports and poems. We will also continue to develop reading comprehension skills and will introduce children to the inference and sequencing skills this term. 



This term, we will be focusing on multiplication and division as well as shape, money and fractions. Children will learn how to use arrays to support times table knowledge and how both sharing and grouping can support their understanding of division. We will be tackling a range of problem solving and reasoning questions during our shape and money units. 



In Science, we will be learning all about 'Everyday Materials', where we will be carrying out several tests and investigations into the use of a range of materials to understand their properties. We will then revisit our 'Living things and their habitats' unit to further understanding of where and how living things live. 



PE takes place for the following classes on;

2N – Wednesday and Thursday

2W – Wednesday and Thursday

2L – Tuesday and Wednesday

Please make sure children have their PE kit in school.


If you have any questions or queries, please let us know,  we would be happy to help you. 

Miss Walton (2W), Miss Nutt (2N) and Miss Lord (2L).